Thursday, May 03, 2007

I haven't blogged in forever, so I felt like blogging today. Today was a good day. I woke up, and hung out with the kids & cleaned in the morning. Then I got them ready to go to school. After I dropped the boys off at school, my friend Tara and I walked. We walk for about an hour every day, and I feel so great afterwards. It goes by so much quicker when you're talking to someone!
Then Isasbella and I went to see my mom at work so I could take some pictures of the new baby ducklings. They are SO cute, aren't they?!? They're only a few days old.

Then I picked up the boys, and talked to Austin's mom, Ashley for a while. Marcus and Austin are excited because they are both supposed to go to the same school for Kindergarten.
I told Ashley that Marcus is always asking me what our phone number is, or how to get to our house so that he can tell Austin so that Austin can come over. She said that Austin does the same thing all the time. So we decided to exchange numbers, and hang out over the summer. She has 3 kids, the same ages as mine, so that should work out good! I can't believe that preschool is over in about 2 weeks! It's amazing how time goes by so quickly!! Before I know it, they'll be graduating from High School!
So, now I'm enjoying a yummy jamocha shake, and I'm thinking I'll go scrapbook. Have a great evening!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

We went out to eat last week at Applebees. It was fun, the food was good. During dinner, Marcus took turns telling jokes with my mom and Marcie. It was pretty funny. But what happened on the way home was even funnier.

All 3 of the kids were buckled in their seats, and Keith was driving. Micah had an accident (peed in his underwear), and he told me "MOM, Bella just peed in my underwear!" It was so funny. Typical brother, trying to blame it on his little sister so he didn't get in trouble! :)

Monday, January 15, 2007

26 Things

I'm doing a photo scavenger hunt on a photography site, and I have until February to find and photograph 26 things.
I figured I'd post them here as I find them.
26 things
1. Photography
2. Soft
3. Small Spaces
4. Light
5. Dance

6. Opposite
7. Blur
8. Fruit

9. Travel
10. 2
11. In the Sky
12. Mirror
13. Keys
14. Seasons
15. Sports
16. Remote
17. Chocolate

18. In My Bathroom 19. Temptation
20. Still Life 21. Round 22. Everyday
23. Water 24. Red 25. Newborn
26. Water

100 Things About Me

  1. I have 2 sons and 1 daughter who I adore.
  2. I have been married for 5 years.
  3. I love God, and am very thankful for all HE has given me.
  4. I love to scrapbook.
  5. I love photography.
  6. I have a handsome nephew that I love a lot!
  7. I hate onions. Just smelling them makes me wanna hurl.
  8. I don't eat meat at all... eewww! Not because I'm against killing animals, I just don't like the way it tastes.
  9. I haven't drank milk in a few months. Yuck - cow juice!
  10. I prefer dark chocolate, but any chocolate is yummy!
  11. I really want to adopt a child someday.
  12. I am a SAHM.
  13. My mom is my best friend.
  14. One of my favorite things to do with my family is to go swimming.
  15. I do not like to go in the ocean.
  16. I am a night owl. I rarely go to bed before 11 p.m.
  17. I wish I had more time to blog. It's neat to look back and see what was going on months ago.
  18. I am obsessed with patterned paper. It is my weakness.
  19. I could shop until I drop!
  20. I would rather give than receive.
  21. I cannot swallow pills unless they are very small.
  22. I hardly ever get cold.
  23. My favorite TV shows are One Tree Hill & ER
  24. I have a cricut.
  25. I want to go to Honduras on a mission trip.
  26. I hate talking on the phone to people I don't know.
  27. The only kind of music I like is Contemporary Christian.
  28. My favorite scent is Japanese Cherry Blossom from Bath & Body Works.
  29. I don't drink.
  30. I love bedtime story time with my kids.
  31. Taco Bell's mild sauce BURNS my mouth!
  32. I have 1 brother.
  33. My first job was at McDonalds.
  34. I met my husband at the Dayton Country Club.
  35. I hate shopping at Meijer.
  36. I love to shop at Target.
  37. I also love to shop at Hobby Lobby. (They have patterned paper for 50% off this week!!)
  38. My favorite color is lime green.
  39. I rarely eat breakfast.
  40. I have naturally curly hair.
  41. I get tired of making peanut butter & jelly sandwiches.
  42. I have been to Washington D.C. once, and would love to go again.
  43. I have a fear of flying. I've never been on an airplane.
  44. I hate bugs. All bugs.
  45. I used to play the piano.
  46. I wish it would snow.
  47. I love Pepsi.
  48. I can't believe it's been almost 10 years since I graduated from high school.
  49. I really like to read.
  50. My favorite food is pizza, I could eat it every day!
  51. I also really like mexican food.
  52. My favorite movies are Tommy Boy, Rain Man, and Of Mice and Men.
  53. I like to go camping.
  54. I don't like to do laundry.
  55. I HATE doing dishes.
  56. I like to play Frogger & Donkey Kong on my son's gameboy.
  57. I hope we are able to go to Great Wolf Lodge again soon.
  58. I love nap time. :)
  59. I didn't think it would be this hard to think of 100 things about me!
  60. I say I'm going to send out Christmas Cards every year, but I never do. :(
  61. My Mom & I changed the Motor Mount on my car when I was in high school.
  62. I pray everyday.
  63. I love the way my babies smell right after their bath.
  64. I eat peanut butter on my pancakes.
  65. I will not eat Jello.
  66. I cry easily.
  67. I love to hear my kids laugh.
  68. I love to see my kids splash in the puddles when it rains.
  69. My favorite number is 9.
  70. I love to bake.
  71. I love getting mail.
  72. I love when my husband calls me from work, just to tell me he loves me.
  73. I'm not too great at making decisions.
  74. I'm an Independant Demonstrator for The Angel Company.
  75. I love granola bars.
  76. I am doing a photo scavenger hunt - 26 things.
  77. I used to collect Flintstone things. I love Fred!
  78. I love to read the comics on Sundays.
  79. I look forward to seeing the new ads on Sunday.
  80. I like to check out postsecret on Sunday also.
  81. I should be cleaning right now.
  82. I have a tender heart.
  83. I love two peas.
  84. I have the best family in the world.
  85. I love subway.
  86. I want to go to the Grand Canyon someday.
  87. I hate my feet.
  88. I like to go ice skating.
  89. I hate socks.
  90. I never wear shorts. Only jeans or capris for me.
  91. I pick at my lips. Keith hates it.
  92. I never iron clothes. I don't mind wrinkles.
  93. I have bungee jumped.
  94. I hate the smell of cigarette smoke.
  95. I think Elmo is annoying.
  96. I am 5'6" tall.
  97. I saved my kids umbilical cords when they fell off.
  98. I have green eyes.
  99. I own 2 purses & about 10 pair of shoes.
  100. I am truly blessed.