Wednesday, February 04, 2009

More 365

February 3: On Sunday, Mom was having pains in her arm and shortness of breath. She was too stubborn to go to the ER, so she made an appointment with her doctor Monday. He was concerned enough to tell her to go to the ER to be checked. So I spent Monday evening with her at the ER. They ran some tests, and wanted her to go first thing in the morning for a stress test. So today, I went with her, and we spent over 4 hours at the cardiologists office. While we sat in the waiting room, we played Battleship. I won!


February 2: Marcus went out to check the mail today, and he was so excited that he got mail. He got a birthday card from Toys R Us with a $3 card inside. He's been carrying it around all day! He's also counting down the days until his birthday!!


February 1: After church today, we just hung out at home and watched the superbowl. We were all ready with our 3D glasses to watch the preview for Monsters vs. Aliens. The kids couldn't get their glasses to stay on, so we taped them on their faces, lol!


January 31: Today I went to the outlet malls with my bffs Mandie, Kelly & Cindy. We had lunch at Chipotle, and then did some shopping. We got the hubby's some awesome pants at Old Navy... regularly $29.50, we paid $3.50!!! I also got Keith this shirt he is wearing for $2.25. Children's Place had some great deals too. It was a fun day!


January 30: Today we went to the mall. Rick & Marcie met us there. We let the kids play in the play area, and then Marcie let them pick out some candy at the candy store. They were thrilled!


January 29: Today I played scrabble with Keith & my Mom. They love to play scrabble together, and I usually don't play. But today, I played with them, and I lost! Mom won, as usual! ;P


January 28: It snowed today!! The kids were so excited to see all of the anow when they woke up. Of course all they want to do now is go outside and play in it.


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Project 365

So I decided to take on this project - Project 365. The idea is to take a picture every day for a whole year. Creating Keepsakes sold a kit to put it all together in a nice album, but that was a huge mess. Anyway, I decided to do it anyway, without their kit. Each week has a spot for a photo a day as well as a spot for me to journal about the day.

So I've been putting it together as I go, and so far I'm loving it. It's already so cool to look back at every day of 2009 and see something we did. I can't wait until it's done. So anyway, I think I'll post my pics here on my blog also... probably not everyday, more like once a week or so. And I'll try to remember to take a picture of the album put together. So here's this year so far (going backwards to keep it in order):

January 27: Micah still has a fever. I thought we were all getting better, but apparently not. He woke up with a temperature of 103 today! Poor guy!


January 26: We went to the library today. One of the books we got was Walter the Farting Dog. We read it at bedtime, and cracked up. Well actually, Micah fell asleep, and Isabella only smiled. But I laughed until I cried. Marcus, Keith, and I thought the pictures were hilarious.


January 25: I went to the bookstore today and bought this children's bible. We used to have a book that had bedtime bible stories, and the kids loved it. They didn't have any bedtime bible story books there, but I liked this bible, and it's broken down in to stories, so we're going to start reading it as a family at bedtime.


January 24: The kids still have fevers today! Bella has been acting like she feels a lot better. We've been spending lots of time ijn bed and on the couches.


January 23: Keith had an interview today. I love the tie he's wearing. The kids made it for him over 3 years ago, and it's amazing how much their hands have grown since then!


January 22: We're sick!!! Yuck... it started with just Bella being sick, but soon after I didn't feel so great either. Then it was Micah and finally Marcus. Marcus took this picture of Bella. Keith took the picture of me & Micah snoozing on the couch. I took the picture of Marcus... he sneaked the thermometer into bed to take his own temperature.


January 21: Uncle made breakfast for the kids today. The first time the boys ever spent the night at his house, he made them Mickey Mouse pancakes for breakfast. So now it's always a special treat when they get them.


January 20: Obama is officially president. The kids & I watched the inaguration together.


January 19: Someone from Vandalia Nazarene dropped off this jar of cookie mix to thank us for visiting their church yesterday. So Keith made chocolate chip cookies for us. They were yummy!


January 18: We decided to try out a new church today. Mandy & Kevin go to this church. It was a lot different than what we're used to, but it was very nice. I'm sure we'll be going back!


January 17: We had dinner tonight at our friends Mandy & Kevin's house. I've known Mandy since elementary school! We had a yummy dinner, and then we adults talked and played a card game while the kiddos played together.


January 16: Tonight we ordered pizza & hung out at the Medcalf's house. The adults sat by the fire and chatted while the kids played. It was really fun... we're blessed to have such good friends.


January 15: So honestly, I almost forgot to take a picture today. Luckily, Keith was still up at 11:30 playing video games!! =)


January 14: Jackson came over to visit today, and Uncle took the kids out to play football in the snow.


January 13: Today we took the kids to see Madagascar 2. I like to move it, move it!


January 12: Today we took the kids sledding. We went to the school where my Mom works. It was the kid's first time sledding, and they absolutely loved it. We hung out until Mrammy got off work, and she even sledded with the kids. It was too much fun!


January 11: Today was a lazy day. We just hung out around the house and did nothing. The kids enjoyed laying around & watching TV.


January 10: These kids love their gameboys. They kinda go through spurts... they'll play with them a lot, and then they won't touch them for weeks. Right now is a "play them a lot" spurt.


January 09: Since Keith is laid off, I applied at Lonestar. I have mixed feelings about the idea of going back to work, but if it comes down to it, I'm on it!


Jaunary 08: When we went camping last summer, my friend Mandy told me that she makes her own laundry detergent. So since then, we've been doing it too. It's so much cheaper, and it doesn't have all of those harsh chemicals. Plus it smells awesome!


January 07: It snowed today!! Hopefully we will get to use our new sleds soon!!


January 06: Keith and I ran a few errands, and while we were gone, Mrammy made gingerbread men with the kids. They all had a ton of fun, and were full of sugar when we got home.


January 05: Keith was home today when I woke up. He's been laid off! =(


January 04: Keith and Marcus decided to play with the dominos today. They had a lot of fun.


January 03: *no pic today* I forgot my camera, but I do have a movie ticket stub and a lasertag score card from today. 3 of my closest friends and I went out to celebrate my birthday today. We had appetizers at Applebee's, then we did some shopping, ate at O'Charley's, played laser tag, and then saw Twilight. It was an awesome evening!!

January 02: Happy Birthday to me!!!


January 01: Happy New Year! The kids have been wanting me to take a picture of all of their webkinz. So here it is... although we already have more since this picture was taken!!