Friday, March 21, 2008


Here's Micah, and here's a story about what he did today.

(I'm copying this from an e-mail I wrote to some friends so I don't have to re-type it.)

I'm trying to get some cleaning done, and Micah comes up to me, and smiles really big. Then I looked a little closer, and I see that there is a dime in his mouth. He is always putting things in his mouth, and it drives me crazy.

So I put my fingers in his mouth and try to get the dime out, only when I pull on it, it doesn't come out. So then I realized it was stuck. Yep, he had bitten down on it, and it went between two of his teeth, and got stuck there. And it wasn't coming out.

So I did what any scrapbooking mother would do. I made him stand there while I went to get the camera to take pictures =P Then I tried to get it out again, and still no luck.

So I called my Mom to see if she could come and sit with the other two while I took Micah somewhere to get it out. I'm wondering where I would go - doctor? dentist? straight to Childrens? lol

Then I decided to try one more time. I made him lay down & I had to push the dime up into his gums & pull it out at the same time, but it came out! Woohoo!!

The day can only get better, right?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

For Mandy =)

I haven't blogged in FOREVER, so just ignore the old stuff, lol. Anyway, I figured this might be easier for you. Here we go:

You can click on the pics to make them bigger.

Here's one of the kids at the table. They asked how many kids we had, and then set up this smaller table for the kids. At the very left of this pic, you can see the corner of the counter where the coffee maker is.

Here is a picture of the bar area, the sink is behind there, as well as cabinets/shelves to put stuff.

Here is a picture looking into the playland area. Bar is to the right, kids table/coffee area to the left.


And I have to show this one: (it's too cute!!)

So anyway, I hope that helped a little. Like I said, they aren't the greatest pictures for checking out the place, but you can kinda get an idea. Talk to you guys soon!! =)